Did I pass my Norwegian exam?

Hello!…Thank you for stopping by to read what I have in store again. It’s been a while since I sat down to write, maybe not for a blog. A lot has happened during those periods, and I will share them with you. This summer, I registered for Norskprøve (Norwegian language exam) at the A2B1 level. The first exam was muntlig (oral exam), and I remembered arriving exactly at 9:45 am. As soon as I arrived, the exam started immediately because the two other candidates, the examiner, and the sensor, were waiting for me. Luckily, I knew the other candidates well as we were classmates in Norwegian language class. The familiarity relaxed me as I saw it as having a usual conversation with people I am used to speaking with. To make things more relaxing, the examiner, who asked questions, started by telling each of us to talk about ourselves. After that, the examiner told us to give our opinions on a topic and back to individual questions. I thought that was all, but the examiner asked just me some follow-up questions. While she gave me a book and a pen, she told me to take my time to think and write about it. I was scared because I wasn’t exactly sure if it was a good or bad sign, but I saw it as a challenge and opportunity to do better than I had done before. After speaking for over 20 minutes, my energy began to reduce as it takes a lot of energy to speak a new language.

The next day was the writing, listening, and reading exam, which started at 9 am. The reading went well because I enjoy reading. Things did not go well for my listening because we all started with reading followed by listening, a break, and writing. There were a few noises in the background, which I won’t go into detail about it. Despite all odds, I finished the listening and the writing part.

The result came out some weeks ago, and guess how I performed??. I will start by explaining the different levels of the Norwegian language. Grade A1 is the minimum, followed by A2, B1, B2, and C1. Grad B2 and C1 are the top levels and almost everyone’s goal. The B2 level is the minimum level required for a bachelor’s degree in a Norwegian University because the language of use is Norwegian. I would assume that you are done guessing. I had B2 in listening (I was shocked because I was not too sure it went well). Also, B2 in speaking, B1 in reading, and B1 in writing. So, I will share my further goals for my Norwegian language skill with you guys.

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